News update April 2009
Published by the Rare Finch Conservation Group
marks the bicentenary of the birth of Charles Darwin on 11 February,
and the 150th anniversary on 24 November of the publication of his
epoch-marking work " On the Origin of Species by means of Natural
Selection ." These events are being celebrated around the world
with innumerable museum exhibitions ,conventions ,television documentaries
and even a full length movie.
It is apposite for the Rare Finch Conservation Group to align itself
with these worldwide tributes to one of the world's greatest thinkers
of all time, and to this scientific discovery that has developed
into evolutionary biology, ranging astronomically wider and deeper
with the advent of ever increasingly sophisticated technological
means, undreamed of in Darwin's day.
The revolutionary theory of evolution was developed by Darwin from
data gathered during his 5 year voyage around the world on HMS Beagle
as a naturalist on a surveying expedition ( 1831-1836 ). The main
clue came from the collection of 14 species of finches in which
the males are predominantly black with more or less white, grey
or brown areas streaked in darker tones apparent on their lower
parts, while the females are dully coloured greyish brown birds
much paler underneath and with heavy darker streaks throughout.
Their most amazing feature is the difference in their beaks, clearly
suiting them to food gathering in their specific isolated habitats
in the remote Galapagos Islands, 500 miles west of Ecuador, where
many other strange forms of life are found e.g giant tortoises,
( GALAPOS is the Spanish name for a tortoise ). For example one
species the Cactus ground-finch ( Geospiza scandens ) has a long
decurved beak designed for feeding off flowers of the prickly pear,
while another ,the Woodpecker-finch ( Camarhynchus pallidus ) has
a stout straight beak modified in the direction of a woodpecker
, but with which it uniquely holds a rigid cactus spine 3 to 5 cm
long lengthwise to poke into the crack in the bark of a tree, then
dropping it to seize the insect as it emerges .On the other hand
a species feeding on hard seeds, such as the Large ground-finch
( Geospiza magnirostris ) has a very heavy conical beak .
Early in 1837 the birds collected by Darwin were sent to the Zoological
Society in London for expert evaluation, and the greatest ornithologist
of the day , John Gould , identified 13 species from the Galapagos,
11 of which were new to science. Gould's identification of these
species as finches ,although they occupied ecological niches filled
by other types of birds elsewhere in the world e.g woodpeckers,
and in some instances resembled aspects of those types ,was remarkable.
Gould worked further and found that the specimens of the Galapagos
mocking birds collected by Darwin showed great enough differences
to be categorized in 3 distinct species, each of which was confined
to a separate island, as was proved through Darwin's careful noting
of where each specimen had been found . It is thought probable that
it was during discussions between these two great men on the above
and many further instances, that for Darwin the penny began to drop
that these species were not ready-made by God to the perfect design
required for life in their particular environments, but that they
were forms of a common ancestral stock gradually modified by isolation
in their harsh and diverse habitats through the processes of natural
selection and the survival of the fittest.
Darwin hesitated for a further 12 years , making quite sure and
not wanting to offend the sensibilities of Christians , especially
his wife , before publishing his controversial theory. In its wake
came fame and infamy . It met a good deal of mindless prejudice
and no insult was deemed too harsh to be hurled at " the man
who killed the Creator ." Yet 150 years on few indeed would
be foolhardy enough to contradict the essence of Darwin's view .
For anyone interested in what are known as " Darwin's finches."(
some 14 species in 3 genera ) the RFCG can recommend the book by
David Lack " Darwin's Finches -an essay on the general biological
theory of evolution"(Harper&Brothers,New York.1947) or
refer to the websites at the end of this article .
David Lack saw the 14 species of Darwin's finches as an ideal group
for the study of territorial behavior in birds and traveled to the
Galapagos in 1938/39 to conduct ecological studies on them at first
hand in their natural habitats. The result was a very thorough scientific
treatise, the writing of which was interrupted by the War, and it
was only published in 1947 . It was found that the taxonomic problems
of speciation needed experimentation in crossbreeding the different
species, for which several of the species were taken into captivity.
The test of species formation is whether, when two forms meet they
interbreed and merge ,or whether they keep distinct through sterility
of the offspring. The level of the diversity between any two species
can thus be determined by the degree of sterility found in their
hybrid offspring. Therefore experimental hybrid breeding of the
Galapagos finches under controlled conditions could furnish a far
better understanding of their speciation. Lack had hoped to take
the finches to England to complete the study ,but ultimately it
was deemed best for the birds to take them first on the far shorter
journey to California ,where the California Academy of Sciences
in San Francisco ,an institution which had long made a special study
of the Galapagos fauna and flora offered to house them .
Until the special buildings could be erected an amateur aviculturist
of great skill , E.C Kinsey ,took charge of them in his private
aviaries succeeding in getting them into very good condition .Ultimately
at the California Academy of Sciences several species bred successfully
with their own kind , but no results were achieved with crossing
the species by the time Lack published his book . Since then the
taking of birds into controlled environments in the interests of
science has been made increasingly difficult despite improved technology
in transport and diets etc. As far as we are aware no further attempts
at propagating Darwin's finches and experimenting in crossbreeding
the various species has been attempted under controlled conditions
The time of Darwin predates what is today known as " Aviculture"(
the keeping and breeding of birds - analogous to " Horticulture"
for gardening) . If he had been around today he certainly would
have been interested in this pursuit and probably actively involved
in it ,for at his home in Downe, Kent he kept, bred and meticulously
studied the most popular bird of his day ,the domestic pigeon. He
used his first hand experiences with the massive diversity of the
different breeds - Tumblers, Carriers, Runts, Pouters, Fantails,
Trumpeters etc. to challenge the then accepted theory of the "
Immutability of the Species ." and became convinced (correctly)
that they were all descended from a single species ,the Rock Pigeon
( Calumba livia )
Fortunately at the time of the publication of Threatened Birds
of the World by Bird Life International in 2000 only 2 of the 14
Darwin's finches were listed as struggling to survive . The Medium
Tree Finch ( Camarhynchus pauper ) with a population 1000-2,499
was categorized as "Vulnerable " and the Mangrove Finch
( Camarhynchus heliobates ) with a population below 110 as Critical
Listed as reasons for their decline are introduced predators such
as rats, cats, dogs ,pigs and cattle, extensive habitat destruction
and degradation for agriculture ,free ranging domestic live stock
,the arrival of a wasp ( poliste versicolor ) in the early 1900's
and many parasite insect larvae
In view of the avicultural expertise available today and the extent
to which these finches proved amenable to breeding in aviaries as
far back as the 1940's, some form of intervention and the building
up of viable stocks maintained under controlled conditions would
seem wise. It is sad to think that despite all the advances in technology
and expertise in aviculture since Darwin's day, such a move would
be likely to be met in some quarters with quite as much mindless
prejudice and obstruction as was encountered by Darwin in 1859 !
For more information on Charles Darwin and the Darwin finches the
Rare Finch Conservation Group recommends that readers visit:'s_finches
The attached watercolour portrait of Charles Darwin at the age
of 31 was done by George Richmond in 1840